Hashtag Explanation

Hello guys...! It's me. So I'm here today because , some subscribers might not , familiar with out hashtag system. So this will be their ultimate Hashtag guide. Let's see One by one.

HashTag Explanation
Knowledge Everything that related to knowledge base , we put them into this tag. It may be some historical event. But if it so important to know , It will be posted under the knowledge hashtag
Phobia As you can see , This hashtag is a sub tag of #knowledge. It is used for , explaning to phobias , AKA , fear of something.
Psycho Facts Every psychology Related facts will post under the this Hashtag.
Relationship Tips This tag include all about Love & relations. Which means it's most suitable for lovers or friend. And to be honest , some of them are 18+.
Saying Famous people's saying over the past. This might be a opportunity to improve yourself.
Life Tipd Just like the name. Everything that post under this tag , is/was/will something Useful to your life.
On This Day This was a abandoned tag. It use to be the , tag which is show you the historical events past over the time. However we stopped that tag. Due to some personal reasons. It will be back on in future.
Education Things that we should know , comes under with this tag. (Like , things in syllabus)
Facts Simple things. Just for fun and entertainment. Doesn't need to your life. But knowing things like this is good.
Astronomy Just like the name. astronomical facts and knowledge based photos published under the this tag.
History Remembering the past events. Things. And some pictures.
Articles Some Useful posts with more information & more easy to use. We use our own templates for generating the IV
LearnBits_Q_A Answers for subscribers , for their question that , directly send to us.
Free Mind These types of posts are created by LearnBits admins themselves. For our subscribers sake.
Admin Tips Useful informations to manage a channel or group as a admin.
Facts Check We seek for only truth. Not just damn misinformations. So with this , we van reveal the status of those posts that , have a uncommon details.
Youth Tips , Tricks , guide for young peoples.
Personal Care Just like "Youth". But for everyone.
Life Hacks Tips to improve your lifestyle with some passion & have a good management over your life.
Text Tips Tips for texting.
Thoughts This isn't something we copy from others. This is LearnBits admins Thoughts. About life or others. Have a three categories. Morning , MidDay & Night.
Quotes Same as Thoughts. But not from us. From others. We just modifying that.
Fun Posts , Games , illusions and some tricks for entertainment
Social Mid Some eye catching post , share within the social medias.
WorldWide News , places , things , peoples all around the World.
Story Some stories for entertainment and to learn something from it.
Anime Quotes Quotes from anime series and movies.
Sup4Sub Read here about it
LearnBits Things we highlighted in channel comes under the this tag.
Ads advertisement , that help to growth of channel
Channel Log Simply put , diary of the LearnBits channel.
Notice Some notices from Admins.
Updates New channel updates
Event Some events we organized for special occasions.

Hope You get the idea. See you soon...

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