"Sup4Sub" Is Here

Introducing , A new hashtag in LearnBits channel.

And Its, #Sup4Sub...!

Sup4Sub meaning?

"Support For Subscribers" is what it means. You may think , "Aren't you the one supported by subscribers?".

Let me tell you about it.

As you all saw , we will bring you some awesome posts , no matter what. Actually We are not dependent on others. We can find as many posts as we want. So it's the same whether or not other people send it.

Now let's see why I said Support for subscribers.

There are some of our members who have a wealth of knowledge of various kinds. So simply what we do is to provide them with a way to share their knowledge with other members of LearnBits.

So can we be responsible for the truth of those facts?

Actually yes. Even though that our subscribers send it , we do not publish all the facts on the channel without research. First We have to find and confirmed some things related to that and after that we will post them on the channel.

And sometimes we change the thing what they send back for readability. Sometimes some additional points are added.

And yes of course. Our lab master is the incharge of this #Sup4Sub project. He will find whether it's true or false by doing some experiments in the LearnBits lab.

Will we continue to put only that in the future?

No way... I mean dude..! come on...!

We do not put that post as main categories. we put them only as extras. So, as usual, while bringing you awesome facts through LearnBits, we will also post #Sup4Sub facts.

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