
Time To Go Outside

Hey Bits...! We have a Special announcement to make...

First of all, sorry for the inconvenience. And for stopping the channel suddenly without any notice. Based on some personal reasons and some other reasons, we took that decision suddenly. ("Actually I took that decision suddenly" says Lab Master)

Anyway, after talking with our lab master and some of the founding members/Admins of the channel, we came to a final decision. Which is, We are temporarily Closing the LearnBits channel. But it will start again in three months. We think that during this time, you too will get a chance to go out from the framework of this social media trap and live in the real world. That's why we call this as , Time To Go Outside...!

Many thanks to those who came to us in personally and asked us what happened. I guarantee , that we do not have any conflict inside the LearnBits channel. This decision was made by us , due to our educational procedures and for some other stuff.

And also we highly hope that your educational work will be done well too. Make this a good opportunity to find yourself in real world.


Then we will meet again in three months. We will not post any ads or posts on the channel. So it won't be a problem to you. Leave if necessary. Come back in three months. Otherwise, achieve this chat and keep it. See you again in three months... Until then, take care... Have a wonderful time guys... And again , please go outside this virtual world and live a life in real world...!


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